Dear Sir or Madam would you read my book...

your guide to the instruments that



used from the very early days up to the end


...and a splendid time is guaranteed for all!

Roll up for the tour!




George's Guitars- a pictorial overview

John's Guitars- a pictorial overview

Paul's Guitars- a pictorial overview

Ringo's Drum Kits- a pictorial overview

Not always George- lead lines on album tracks  by whom? with what? 

Nearly always George- -leadlines on singles  

E.P. - L.P. What's the Difference? description of E.P.s U.K. & U.S.

John's Fab Gear- part 1-acoustic guitars, Gibson J-160E, Framus, MartinD28

                                                part 2- electric guitars, Rickenbacker 325, Epiphone Casino, etc.

                                                part 3 Fender guitars

                                                part 4 -other Instruments

Paul Sang Bass? -part 1- bass guitars Hofner, Rickenbacker

                                                 -part 2- Paul bass , guitars, keyboards

                                                 -part 3- Fender gear, guitars & basses

Guitar Fanatic-George's Gear-part 1- Gretsch, Rickenbacker & Ramirez

                                                             -part 2- Fender gear

                                                             -part 3- Gibson & Epiphone

                                                             -part 4- other instruments

Can't Beat Ringo -part1-Ludwig Kits...

                                                 part 2- and Ringo too Cymbals, percussion  & other stuff

Watt? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!- amplifiers used -part 1 -Vox

                                                                                                       - part 2 bass amps, Fender & others

Strings & Things- misc. excursus

Not always a Beatle!- part 1 guest musicians on Beatle recordings George Martin,

                                                                     Mal Evans, Eric Clapton, Billy Preston, Nicky Hopkins

                                                          part 2  Jimmy Nichol, Brian Jones,  to name a few

There's a First time for everything!- Beatle firsts;

                                                         part 1  first guitars, first use of feedback

                                                         part 2  first to quit,  first concept album....etc.

Baby Beatles -photos of the boys as children

Hairy Faces- the progression of beards & moustaches on the lads.

                                  Man you've been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.

Acknowledgements- Thank You


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